Hi there 👋 I'm Landon

A self-led learner with a passion for knowledge

Web Development

Certified 🗸

Specialist in front-end technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. [Projects]

Graphic Design

Certified 🗸

Professional in design principles, creating modern, clean illustations and edits using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. [Photo Gallary]

App Development

Experience with Python, Java, C#, and NodeJS web apps; as well as version control with GitHub and knowledge with IDE's such as Visual Studio, Replit, PyCharm, and IntelliJ. [Projects]

Trials Manager

Office Apps

Certified 🗸

Specialist and associate in a multitude of Microsoft apps; quick and efficient typist. [Typing Certificate]


[Programming LOR] [Design LOR] [Business LOR]

The difference with me: I create because it's my hobby. I will continue to learn new things, because that's what I enjoy doing!